Saturday, June 2, 2012


Reliv has been a great relief to many people dealing with different issues. Give it a chance and see what it can do for you. What do you have to lose with a 30 day guarantee? Contact me for details.

Monday, April 23, 2012

How Do I Get Started

Send us an email at to schedule a presentation
We look forward to hearing from you.
Live better & Increase your monthly income — starting today — with Reliv!

Money Back Guarantee

G.1 Customer Returns:
Reliv offers and requires each Reliv Distributor to offer a 100% unconditional 30-day moneyback
guarantee to all retail customers. Every Reliv Distributor is required to honor this guarantee.
If your retail customer is dissatisfied with a Reliv product for any reason, the customer
may return the product to you; or to the company if the customer purchased directly from
Reliv within 30 days of the purchase date.
Returns on sales made by you, the Distributor, direct to the customer should be refunded
by you. Reliv will replace the returned product to you if, within 30 days after the product is
returned to you, Reliv receives the following:
a) A signed Customer Request for Refund form with a statement from the retail customer
identifying the reasons for return;
b) A copy of the original signed Retail Customer Sales Receipt form; and
c) The unused portion of the product including cans.
Reliv requires this documentation to be completed and submitted with the unused product
before processing a replacement to Distributors on customer returns. Reliv will not refund the
purchase price to any Reliv Distributor on customer returns.
Returns on sales made through Reliv direct to your customer will be refunded directly to the
customer. This refund will include the original purchase price plus any applicable taxes and will
be processed after Reliv receives the unused portion of the product.
G.2 Quality of Product:
Reliv will replace any product within 60 days of purchase for reasons of substandard quality.
Prior written request to the Reliv home office is required before any exchange will be made.
The following procedures must be completed before a refund or replacement will be issued:
a) A written replacement request must be submitted, stating the reason for the request and
accompanied by proof of payment and a copy of the Purchase Order form or packing slip.
Product returned without prior authorization will be returned to the Distributor.
b) Reliv will instruct you where to ship the product for inspection. Upon receipt and
verification of the product, Reliv will send a replacement.
G.3 Termination Returns:
Reliv will repurchase from a Distributor who terminates his or her Distributorship all
products that were purchased from Reliv within the 12 months immediately preceding
the Distributor’s termination date for the purchase price paid less a 10% restocking fee. A
Distributor will not receive a refund of the original shipping and handling charges. The amount
refunded will be less any discounts or commissions you received relating to the purchase of
the products, subject to the following terms:
a) You must submit to Reliv a written request terminating the Distributorship, including
a request for refund, and accompanied by proof of payment and a copy of the Purchase
Order form or packing slip for the product to be returned.
b) Reliv reserves the right to offer the upline of the terminating Distributor the
opportunity to purchase the products directly for a period not to exceed two weeks.
c) If the upline does not purchase the goods, the Distributor shall return the products
to the location specified by Reliv.
d) All products to be repurchased must be unopened and in reasonably resalable and
reusable condition. Reliv reserves the right to inspect all returned product and to
determine whether such product is in reasonably resalable and reusable condition. With
respect to consumable products:
1) Any product which, at the time it is returned is beyond the indicated or
established period of shelf-life for the product will not be deemed in reasonably
resalable or reusable condition; and
2) In general, any consumable product which was purchased more than 90 days
prior to the time it is returned will be carefully inspected to determine whether
the product is fresh and in resalable condition. No refund will be paid unless the
product is determined by Reliv to be in such condition.
e) Terminating Distributors have two weeks from the date of notification of
termination, or in the event Reliv offers the Distributor’s upline the opportunity to
purchase the products two weeks from the end of such offer period, to return the
products to Reliv for a refund.
f) Reliv will repurchase Business Kits and Sales Aids returned to Reliv in reasonably
resalable or reusable condition at the Distributor’s cost less a 10% restocking fee. g)
Reliv shall have the right to recover from Distributors upline to a terminating
Distributor all commissions paid to such upline Distributors with respect to product
repurchased by Reliv from the terminating Distributors. Reliv shall be entitled to
recover such commissions by deducting the amounts from commissions that become
due after the date of repurchase from the terminating Distributor.
The terminating Distributor will be responsible for all shipping expenses incurred in
returning product to Reliv. Upon receipt and inspection of the products returned, Reliv
will make a refund payment. Any products returned which are not found to be in resalable
or reusable condition will be returned to you at your request, or destroyed.
G.4 Buyer’s Right to Cancel:
Federal law allows a buyer a “Cooling-Off Period” or a right to cancel certain sales without
penalty prior to midnight of the third business day after the transaction. This rule covers
consumer sales of $25 or more that occur away from the seller’s main office. The Reliv Retail
Sales Receipt contains all legally required notices. It must be signed by the buyer and a copy
given to him on every sale. In addition, the Distributor must insert the date of the sale and
cancellation date on the notice and orally inform the buyer of the three-day right to cancel at
the time the buyer signs the contract of sale or purchases the goods.
G.5 Distributor’s Responsibility:
If a customer mails or delivers to you a valid notice of cancellation prior to midnight on the
third business day after ordering or purchasing the product, it must be honored. If the buyer
has received any products, they must be returned with the notice in substantially as good
condition as when delivered. Within 10 business days after receiving the notice, you must
refund all payments made under the contract of sale.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Products Pillar

Facing an Urgent Health Crisis
* Modern diet of processed convenience foods lack many nutrients the human body needs to thrive
* Three out of four people fall short of minimum nutritional requirements
* The results: sluggishness, poor sleep patterns, reduced ability to fight infection, slow healing and excess weight gain, among others
* Epidemic rates of cancer, heart disease, diabetes, obesity and other devastating, often preventable diseases

The Need to Supplement
* Clinically shown to promote optimal fitness
* American Medical Association recommends a balanced daily supplement to help maintain good health
* No longer just a good idea --- essential to maintaining health and vitality

Nutrition You Can Trust
* R&D led by renowned food scientist Dr. Carl Hastings, Ph. D.
* Council for Responsible Nutrition Board of Directors
* The cutting edge of nutritional technology
* Multiple U.S. patents
* Money-back guarantee

The Relive Difference
* Bioavailability: When dissolved in a liquid as in a Reliv shake, nutrients are absorbed more easily by the body.
* Synergism: Balance nutrient combinations provide greater health benefits than nutrients consumed individually.
* Optimal Nutrition: Going beyond the daily minimums, Reliv provides optimal levels of essential nutrients.
* Guaranteed Quality Ingredients: The most reputable suppliers and rigorous testing at each stop in the manufacturing process ensure quality, safety and potency.

Essential Nutrition
• Reliv Now® and Reliv Classic®
• Complete range of nutrients with just two shakes a day
• Vitamins and minerals plus select herbs, phytonutrients and more
• No more mixing and matching bottles of vitamins
• Nutrition made simple
Weight Loss
• Slimplicity® Weight Loss System
• Comprehensive lifestyle plan
• Cutting-edge ingredients
• Nutrients your body needs to thrive
• Weight loss the safe and healthy way
Targeted Solutions
• Meet your own individual health needs
• Enjoy a healthier, more active lifestyle today
• Promote prevention for life
• Patented, clinically proven formulas

Over 150 million people in the
U.S. alone now take dietary
supplements, and the number
is growing.


Company Pillar

Strong Foundation
* Founded in 1988 by Robert L and Sandy Montgomery
* Began with products first -Reliv's first product, Reliv Classic, was developed by Dr. Theodore Kalogris
* Original leadership still in place

Reliv is Solid
* Member of Direct Selling Association and council for Responsible Nutritional
* Over 20 years of success
* Company-owned manufacturing and R&D
* An international opportunity --- over 60,000 Independent Reliv Distributors in 15 countries around the world
* Recognized as one of the country's top small companies by Business Week, Forbes and Fortune magazines


The Four Pillars of Reliv

Mission: To nourish our world
Company: Solid business plan with proven track record
Products: Optimal health for you and your family
Opportunity: Freedom to live life on your own terms

How Can I?

Enjoy optimal health?
Be my own boss?
Make a difference in the world?
Improve my quality of life?
Spend my time as I choose?
Secure my family's future?
Live the lifestyle of my dreams?
Change people's lives?

Reliv: Your answer for better health & financial freedom.

The money you earn monthly is willable to your children - very awesome thing

Reliv Workshop - Stories/Videos

 If you're looking for better health or extra income, I highly suggest you listen to these encouraging videos.!!!

Product Stories:

Byron Wyant
Germantown, NY
“I was diagnosed with diabetes 23 years ago. Over the years, I
developed high blood pressure, cataracts and other health
problems. In January 2009, I started taking Reliv. Since then,
my blood sugar and blood pressure have improved and my
vision is better. I wake up every morning with tons of energy, can
outwork people half my age, and feel happy all the time. Reliv
gave me my life back!”

Greg James
Omaha, NE
“As a professional athlete competing on an international level,
I have Reliv to thank for my ability to compete and bounce
back quickly. Reliv also helped me overcome a sports injury that
could’ve ended my career. And I credit the products for helping me
recover from an injury and improve my sleeping and eating habits
after serving in the Gulf War. Reliv gives your body the fuel it needs
to excel.”

Libby Stone
Mesa, AZ
“Seven years ago, illness had led me to gain 280 pounds and I needed
a wheelchair to get around. Thanks to Reliv, I’ve lost 180 pounds
and have my health back! I swim almost every day and clean my
house all day without crashing. I’m wearing normal-sized clothes
and am beginning to feel pretty again. I know that with the help of
Reliv, I will reach my ultimate weight loss goal!”

Lynette Baldwin
Peoria, AZ
“I was sick for 18 years, eventually diagnosed with lupus. I hurt
from head to toe, inside and out. Within months of starting on
Reliv, I was back enjoying an active lifestyle. Ten years later, I’m
a happy, healthy grandma! After seeing my results, my mother, who
suffered from the same disease for decades, also started on Reliv.
Today, she’s able to keep up with her great grandchildren!”

Victoria Reid
Cheswick, PA
“Four years ago, I was suffering from constant exhaustion,
insomnia, chest pains and liver problems. I went to the best
doctors, tried the latest remedies, and took 22 supplement pills a
day. Nothing worked. Within a short time of taking Reliv, I was
thinking more clearly, had energy, and felt an overall sense of wellbeing.
Now I wake up every morning feeling great! I feel better
at 41 than I did at 21!”

Freddy Worthington
Springboro, OH
“Due to inactivity and weight gain, I suffered a back injury and had
trouble getting around — I was a couch potato. Then I discovered Reliv.
I had more energy, became more active and dropped 60 pounds.
I haven’t taken a sick day in over four years. To top it off, last year I
won a bronze medal sprinting in the National Senior Olympics!”

Business Stories:

Kara & Zak Grosfield
Belgrade, Montana
“As newlyweds in our early twenties, we didn’t want
to be in the same position as many people twice our
age who, after decades of working for someone else,
were stuck in debt and barely making ends meet. The
month we earned $12,000 with Reliv, we both quit our
jobs, knowing we’d never earn that much as a property
manager and dental office receptionist! What’s more,
being in business for ourselves has allowed us the
freedom and opportunity to literally travel the world
and live each day according to our own schedules. We
know that our income will continue to increase steadily
over time — and the hard work we put in today will pay us
dividends for the rest of our lives!”

Norm & Denise Williams
Hendersonville, North Carolina
“We were drowning in debt from medical bills. Norm
was working two jobs, and we were juggling credit cards
to pay monthly bills. We lived in a tiny house with a
moldy basement and had no savings. We never went out
to eat, hadn’t taken a vacation in years, and couldn’t afford
such “luxuries” as music lessons or sports programs
for our children. Just four years later, we were earning a
six-figure income, living in a beautiful, spacious home,
and traveling to such places as Germany and Bermuda
with Reliv. Most important by far, we are stay-athome
parents, and our children have flourished, becoming
accomplished musicians and participating in the sports they
enjoy. You can’t put a price tag on that!”

Amanda Schwarz
Columbus, Nebraska
“Eight years ago, I saw an opportunity that would
allow me to come home and raise my family. Within
one year of starting my Reliv business, I was earning
enough income to leave my office job. I now average
$6,000 a month with Reliv. I set my own schedule,
and am involved in all of my children’s activities. We
recently took our children on an all-expense-paid Reliv
trip to Paradise Island in the Bahamas, where we made
memories that will last a lifetime! Reliv enables me
to help support our family financially from home —
modeling for my children what can happen when you
work hard and focus on others — and it inspires me
knowing that I get to help other people do the same.”

Jeremiah & Hanna Pence
Enid, Oklahoma
“We’re in our early 30s, yet we enjoy the daily freedom and
choices of a retired couple. We’ve earned well over $300,000
in the past five years. And even in tough economic times,
we’ve watched our income rise. What we value most,
though, are the simple things: spending time together as
a family, being active in our community, and developing
lifelong friendships through Reliv. Working our business
together has strengthened our marriage, and we want to build
a legacy for our family and our business partners — a legacy
of investing in others and making a difference with Reliv.”

Mission Pillar

Every day the Reliv Kalogris Foundation provides quality nutrition to more than 40,000 people through more than 270 feeding programs in 10 countries.

Reliv Mission:
To Nourish Our World
* in body, mind and spirit
* the gift of improved health through our products
* the chance to pursue dreams through our business opportunity
* a new hope for needy people through the Reliv Kalogris Foundation, named after noted scientist
Dr. Theodoer Kalogris


Reliv YouTube Videos

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Our Personal Reliv Story and Website

 My family got started on Reliv in the beginning of March 2012 and the results have been amazing. My wife and I have been relieved from digestive issues and heartburn. Our energy level is better and I have started to sleep better. We both have lost weight and that is just the start of it. Who would've thought all of this could be possible through taking (good) supplements? The thing is it's not just any supplement out there, this is the best nutritional supplements out there. We would love to share this awesome product with you. We believe in it so much, as well as the company, and that's why it comes with a 30 day money back guarantee. That is unheard of! Start living the life you have been designed to live. A healthy one!

Here is our personal Reliv website. This will show you more product and business info as well. Thank you for looking.

Looking for added healthy energy? Try 24K and be amazed! Follow the below link and steps.   password is reviveme - receive 10% off instantly

Opportunity Pillar

The Reliv Opportunity

• Wellness – the next $1 trillion industry
• Direct Sales — over 15 million distributors in the U.S. alone
• Answer for what people need today: better health and finances
• Products used by customers for life = lifetime income potential
for Distributors
• More than a business, a whole new lifestyle

The Reliv Success System

• In business for yourself, not by yourself
• Proven business model
• Established path to success
• A business anyone can do

As a Reliv Distributor, you get to be
your own boss, set your own hours,
choose your own level of success
and work your business around your
own priorities.


 Making Money With Relìv

Whether your goal is to make a few hundred dollars a month to make ends meet, a few thousand to put away toward college or retirement, or a full-time income that represents financial security for life, Relìv can get you where you want to be.

Relìv powers up your earning potential with five different avenues of income: retail profit, wholesale profit, overrides, bonuses and trips, and the Ambassador program. View the compensation plan video on this page for more detailed info and then find out how Relìv can help you achieve your personal financial goals.

Relìv is much more than a business — it’s a lifestyle that puts you in control.

You decide your schedule, so you can work your business around family and personal priorities.
You decide your income level based on the time and effort you’re willing to invest.
You decide when and where you want to work, who you want to work with, and what you want to achieve.

Whether you’re seeking to supplement your income, start a new career or achieve financial freedom, Relìv has what you’re looking for.

• Reliv offers one of the most lucrative compensation plans in the industry.
• Multiple ways to earn means multiple opportunities to succeed.

Product Info

Reliv Now®
If you want a supplement built on cutting-edge nutrition science, it’s time for Reliv Now. You’ve just discovered the first product anywhere to feature Reliv’s exclusive LunaRich soy powder, a nutritional breakthrough developed by leading scientists to maximize soy’s documented health benefits. Reliv Now also brings together a balanced array of vitamins, minerals and super-powered antioxidants like Pycnogenol® to deliver a uniquely effective formula. Get your health up to speed with Reliv Now. 28 servings.
Whether you’re working out or working in the yard, Innergize! is scientifically designed to help you perform at your best. The patented formula in Innergize! features ingredients like ChromeMate® and OptiZinc®, the most readily absorbed forms of chromium and zinc available. Plus, Innergize! contains vitamins, minerals, amino acids and carbohydrates to provide added energy, promote oxygen absorption and boost the immune system. Stay in top form — on or off the playing field — with the advanced blend of ingredients found only in Innergize! Choose from two great flavors. 28 servings. Notice: As we incorporate our new can designs into the Reliv product line, you may receive cans with either old or new designs based on warehouse availability.

Reliv Now® for Kids
The statistics are alarming: one-third of American children are obese or overweight while only a small percentage are meeting recommended dietary guidelines. Reliv Now for Kids can help your family bridge the nutritional gap. Essential vitamins, minerals and micronutrients give growing bodies what they need to thrive. Advanced ingredients boost energy and mental performance. And Reliv’s exclusive LunaRich™ soy powder maximizes the documented health benefits of soy. It’s much more than just another vitamin pill. Give your kids a head start on a healthy life. Ideal for children ages 2–12. Choose from two kid-pleasing flavors. 14 servings

Our daily activities zap our energy and can leave us feeling worn out, unfocused and stressed. Turning to high-sugar caffeine drinks only brings an artificial lift — and a hard crash. But now there’s a healthy way to keep your edge: 24K, Reliv’s first ever ready-to-drink product. Formulated with a synergistic blend of 24 active ingredients, 24K taps into your body’s natural vitality to provide energy, focus and stress relief. And with no caffeine and only 5 calories per serving, it’s healthy energy for body, mind and spirit. Available in a multi-serving 28-ounce bottle and in two-ounce “double-shots” for when you’re on the go.

Science is still unraveling the many benefits of fiber. But people who include FibRestore in their daily Reliv shake already know the most important discovery: It just makes you feel better. Loaded with 10 grams of soluble and insoluble fiber per serving, plus Beta Carotene and Vitamins C and E, patented FibRestore strengthens your immune system and protects your body against free radical damage. A special blend of 21 herbs plus enzymes ensures added energy and health-enhancing phytonutrients. Fortify with FibRestore. 28 servings. Notice: As we incorporate our new can designs into the Reliv product line, you may receive cans with either old or new designs based on warehouse availability.
They say you are as old as you feel, so why not feel your best? With three proprietary complexes that address aging at every level, ReversAge nutritional supplement delivers the most complete array of youth-promoting ingredients available anywhere. The Longevity Complex, containing Symbiotropin® and GPC, battles hormonal declines. The Antioxidant Complex, which includes Co-Q10 and Protykin®, fights free radical damage at the cellular level. While the Herbal Complex, rich in gingko biloba, maca, chlorella and more, helps to cleanse and revitalize. Feel young with ReversAge. 20 servings. Notice: As we incorporate our new can designs into the Reliv product line, you may receive cans with either old or new designs based on warehouse availability.
Our bodies’ joints are at the center of every move we make. But the wear and tear of an active lifestyle makes it difficult to maintain healthy joint function. Patented Arthaffect joint support formula provides a breakthrough nutritional solution for promoting lifelong joint health. The formula combines the best of traditional Eastern herbal therapies with cutting-edge nutrients that have been clinically proven to help repair and rebuild joint tissues — over 20 ingredients hailed by researches worldwide for their benefits. Get moving with Arthaffect. 30 servings. Notice: As we incorporate our new can designs into the Reliv product line, you may receive cans with either old or new designs based on warehouse availability.
Slimplicity® Meal Replacement
Think there’s no way you could make it through the day with just a shake for lunch? Then you haven’t tried Slimplicity. Satisfying, delicious and chock-full of the powerful ingredients you need to increase metabolism, Slimplicity shakes contain the right balance of vitamins, minerals and protein to keep your body running in optimal condition. Choose from three great flavors. 14 servings. Notice: As we incorporate our new can designs into the Reliv product line, you may receive cans with either old or new designs based on warehouse availability.
SoySentials’ unique blend of soy protein, potent antioxidants, probiotics and herbs gives you an unparalleled nutritional approach to women’s health. The formula is powered by Reliv’s exclusive LunaRich™ soy powder, developed by leading scientists to maximize soy’s documented health benefits. Ingredients work together to promote bone health, support the immune system and ease the symptoms of menopause and PMS to keep you performing at your peak. Take control — and take care — with SoySentials. 14 servings.

Meet GlucAffect — A major step forward in nutrition science. As part of a healthy lifestyle, GlucAffect has been clinically shown to help to maintain healthy blood sugar levels and support weight loss. This revolutionary formula brings together — for the first time ever — many cutting-edge nutritional ingredients clinically shown to support blood sugar management and promote overall health. Now you have a powerful new ally in the wellness war. Get in control with GlucAffect. 42 servings. Notice: As we incorporate our new can designs into the Reliv product line, you may receive cans with either old or new designs based on warehouse availability.
Every 33 seconds, someone in America dies of cardiovascular disease. That’s why Reliv has introduced a revolutionary product that works on multiple levels to support total heart health. CardioSentials has been clinically shown to reduce total cholesterol, LDL (bad) cholesterol and triglycerides for people with high cholesterol, as well as increase HDL (good) cholesterol and reduce blood glucose levels. Phytosterols help moderate cholesterol levels; policosanol helps maintain normal cholesterol and improve coronary blood flow; and an array of potent antioxidants help protect arterial walls and reduce lipid oxidation. CardioSentials — take it to heart. 28 servings. Notice: As we incorporate our new can designs into the Reliv product line, you may receive cans with either old or new designs based on warehouse availability.

Reliv Delight®
Reliv Delight, a whey-based milk substitute and nutritional supplement, provides the benefits of milk — plus additional nutrients — in a delicious low-fat formula. It supplies your body with a good source of protein and an essential nutritional balance of vitamins and minerals. And at only 90 calories per serving it is also a great way to help maintain a healthy weight. Mix Reliv Delight with water and use it as an alternative to milk — while cooking, in milkshakes, with cereal or simply as a refreshing, creamy beverage. Every container includes 28 delicious servings. At home or on the go, Reliv Delight is a healthy choice for adults and kids alike. Notice: As we incorporate our new can designs into the Reliv product line, you may receive cans with either old or new designs based on warehouse availability.

Most of us don’t even come close to consuming the nutrients we need to keep our bodies functioning at their peak. ProVantage soy-based performance enhancer meets the needs of physically active people with a balance of nutrients formulated to improve performance, endurance, recovery and repair. Packed with 13 grams of muscle-building soy protein, and a host of advanced ingredients, like Tonalin®, MCTs, Creatine, CoQ10 and supercharged amino acids, ProVantage marks a major advancement in the science of sports nutrition — it’s the edge you’ve been looking for. 14 servings. Notice: As we incorporate our new can designs into the Reliv product line, you may receive cans with either old or new designs based on warehouse availability.

Put the all-natural fat-burning power of CitriMax® to work for you! Patented Cellebrate helps reduce appetite and inhibit cravings as its unique blend of vitamins and herbs actually hinders the production of body fat and promotes the growth of lean muscle mass. Does not stimulate the central nervous system. 56 servings per can. Notice: As we incorporate our new can designs into the Reliv product line, you may receive cans with either old or new designs based on warehouse availability.

Please post your product questions here.

Reliv Founders

Robert & Sandy Montgomery
Dr. Kalogris

A True Success Story

Reliv International grew out of founders Robert and Sandy Montgomery’s vision to create a business that would give people control over their own lives. Over two decades later their vision has become reality. Every day thousands of people around the world enjoy improved health and a better lifestyle thanks to Reliv.

If you’re interested in optimal health for you and your family, if you’d like to be your own boss and live life on your own terms, and if you want to work with a solid company with a proven track record and unlimited opportunities for growth, then Reliv is the right choice for you.

Contact us to hear real-life success stories and to learn how Reliv is improving lives every day.